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Why I chose only 2 hookup dating sites here?

Why I chose only 2 hookup dating sites here?

The fact is there are many good Japanese hookup dating sites. But for the beginner for the Japanese hookup dating sites, those PC Max and Happy mail are most reputed hookup dating sites among many other hookup dating sites.

I checked more than ten review site for Japanese hookup dating and all of them give high credit to PC Max and Happy mail for most possible of dating, least scammer, high security monitoring system, level of gal/guy member and others.

Here are some of the review sites for Japanese hookup dating I checked (by Japanese)

All of those review site give high credit for PC Max and Happy mail, thus I can assure you that you, as a foreigner, can also have high percent of meeting a Japanese gal/guy for a date.

For my point of view, for a foreigner who is interested in the Japanese hookup dating site, just tries to the most reputed and most secured, most possible meeting hookup dating site first. Then learn how it is and how it works.

After that, you can try to another hookup sites among many others for meeting new or different Japanese gal/guy.

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