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How to invite a date to girl and have a fun for practical and useful technique

 How to invite a date to girl and have a fun for practical and useful technique

Are you familiar with the Japanese hookup apps or sites to have a date with Japanese girls? If so, you do not need to read page.

However if you are the beginner on the Japanese hookup app, you would be better to read carefully such as how to invite her for a date ?

Are there any good techniques you can invite Japanese girls for a date ? and so on.

1. Do not invite a girl for a date on the first message exchange.

You and she know nothing about each other at the first message exchange. Japanese girls or women are usually very cautious on the first meeting,

Even with hookup app, you need some certain manners to be a nice guy.

After several message exchanged, Japanese girls will feel more secure and relaxing mind on you.

2. Be neat

cut your hair, shave your bear, check your odor.

Japanese usually do care of small things on appearances. If you do not be neat on those matter, she will be disappointed with you and the second date will never come true

3. Be cool on your clothing

Looking is very important for any dating. If your fashion is dirty, cheap looking, too bad, she will be very disappointed

4.Do not delay on your arrival time at dating spot

Japanese are usually very punctual and do not like to be any delay on dating.

5.Be nice to staff at cafes, restaurants or any other shops

Japanese girls do not like any guy who are rude to staff at restaurants, cafe, or shops. Be a gentleman

6. No too much skin ship to girls initially

On the first date, do not touch her body or hands, put your hands across her waist, touch her hair, hold her and others.

Japanese usually do not get used any body touching at the first meeting.

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